You must remember that freedom is the first condition of growth. If you are not free, never grow ... Freedom is the light of men. This is the only condition for development.
We strive hard to achieve a goal and then discover that we do not want. This dissatisfaction we experience every time, and what is in the mind if one wants to be alone dissatisfaction? What is the meaning of this general discontent? This is because freedom is the goal of every man. He always seeks his whole life is a struggle after. The child rebels against the law when he was born. His first word is a cry, a protest against slavery in which is located.
Freedom means independence of anything outside, which means that nothing outside itself could work on it as a cause. The soul is without cause, and from this follow all the great ideas we have. You can not establish the immortality of the soul, unless you grant that it is by its nature free, or in other words, but it can not be acted upon by anything outside .